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Celebrating National Recycling Day: The Impact of Shopping Handmade

November 05, 2021 2 min read

There’s no debating the fact that we are wired to shop! No matter where we are or what time of the year it is, there’s always a reason to purchase something. Don't believe me? Take a quick look at your calendar. It’s sure to have a dizzying number of birthdays, anniversaries, festivals, holidays, milestone celebrations, and more. And for each of these (thank you societal expectations and trends!), we must shop for something.

No, we’re not suggesting anyone shop less. On the contrary, shop to your heart’s delight—many families depend on the income you generate. And let’s face it. There’s a certain joy we feel when we buy something new, whether for ourselves, family and loved ones, or our homes. But what we do have when we shop is the power to make a difference with our dollar.

How? We generate around 300 million tons of plastic waste every year because industries release 10 million tons of toxic chemical waste into our atmosphere annually. Considering these staggering numbers, it ‘s important to shop intentionally.

And with National Recycling Day around the corner, there’s no time like the present to learn more about how you can contribute to making our world better!

Woman holding shopping bags

Why Buy Handmade?

Pop quiz! Which is healthier for you and your family? A machine produced tablecloth with toxic dyes, formaldehyde and softening agents? Or a handloomed tablecloth with zero chemicals and dyed with natural colors?

When put like that, the choice is natural, isn’t it?

Handmade brands try as much as possible to differentiate themselves and stand out using superior, eco-friendly, recycled materials that don’t harm the environment. They also use recycled or recyclable materials in their packaging. 

So, vote (with your dollar) for brands with initiatives and values that support the environment and uplift the community, for that’s the first step in becoming responsible and conscious consumers.

We Can Help!

If you haven’t ever bought from a sustainable, eco-friendly brand that creates natural, handmade products with recycled materials, it's easy not to know where to look. That’s why we’re here to help!

We at Lifestyle Details make a conscious effort to support small businesses and brands that make and sell handmade, recycled products. Most of the brands showcased on our platform manufacture their products with recycled materials in an eco-friendly, sustainable way.

Need a house warming present? How about this chic decor cushion? It's made from natural and recycled material sourced with sustainability in mind. The best part? Everyone involved in the production pipeline gets fair wages!

Prefer something wood but don’t want to harm any trees? We’ve got the perfect rustic, weathered, ladder shelf! Need more options? Check out the denim basketmade by Fair trade artisans from recycled denim and the rustic metal basket created from recycled iron.

And when you do buy that perfect something that fulfills your lifestyle needs, align it with your values by ensuring it does come wrapped in recyclable or reusable packaging.

Happy National Recycling Day! How do you plan to celebrate?

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