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5 Design Trends You'll See in 2022

March 04, 2022 2 min read

It’s never been more evident that our homes are our palaces, our safe spaces, our retreats from whatever storm is raging in the world. There is evidence to prove that our homes and the way we feel about them and when we’re in them directly impacts our mood and physical wellbeing.

In the past few years, many of us have spent more time at home than ever before. How does this impact design? We came to realize just how much our homes need to be comfortable and functional.

As we settle into 2022, we want to share with you some of the top interior design trends we’ve recognized.

Plants displayed throughout the kitchen

Bringing Nature Indoors

We’ve all seen the rise of #plantlife and the movement of bringing a little of the outdoors inside to help with everything from creating an aesthetic zoom background to breathing new life into a room. As the popularity of plants is on the rise, so too is the use of natural design elements. Think marble, stone, bamboo, light and dark woods, wicker. These pieces add nice texture and depth and promote a grounded living experience.

Tech Savvy Homes

The past few years have also necessitated making sure our homes can support the possibility of working from home. From museum-quality television screens to connected smart home devices, technology is becoming more and more integrated into the design and functionality of our homes.

Making the Old New Again

Home design is impacted by the green movement just as other industries are. As people continue to look at ways they can reduce their carbon footprint, thrifting is having a resurgence. Whether you’re purchasing pieces from thrift stores, or perusing garage sales and social media marketplaces, a well-loved piece of furniture can be a cost-efficient way to add a little spice to your home. Keep it as is, or strip and refinish it…you can’t really go wrong. We do warn you, thrifting can become addictive (we think it has something to do with the thrill of the hunt).


Leather, velvet, fur, plush rugs, texture. These elements add a nice surprise and create depth in a room. Whether it’s throw pillows or larger pieces, the more luxe the better! Think attention grabbing and funky, then take it a few steps further.

Living room area with lots of shelf space

Functional Storage

Thanks to the resurgence of minimalism, clutter is canceled. That’s why functional storage has become so integral to keeping the peace. Whether it’s a vanity drawer with an electrical outlet and a space to store your curling iron and hairdryer or a cabinet that stores your kitchen appliances and spices. Working smarter not harder is the name of the game. Think to yourself about how you can keep the things you need out of sight, but within reach.

While there are lots more design elements to consider in 2022, each of these really boils down to comfort, functionality, efficiency, and green.

We’d love to hear what trends you have brought into your home in 2022! Comment below!

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